Catalunya Climbing

Climb some of the world’s best sport routes with the best crankers in Europe. This camp is all about maximising your time on the face and making the leap to the next level, which at this standard, takes some doing. 

On this trip to Catalonia you’ll get the chance to see and climb in some of the world's top sport climbing destinations. This includes Margalef, Siurana, Sierra de Monsant, Terradets, and Montserrat amongst others. This part of northern Spain is renowned for it’s awesome crags so why not let our ace instructors be your guide?

Get to know areas famous for the hardest lines and popular among the strongest climbers in Europe. Taste the unique atmosphere of Spanish sport crags and get motivated with all the other cranking freaks on the rock.

We’ll belay you wherever you like and make sure you will be able to do as many climbs as your little fingers can manage during your stay. It’s all about maximising your time on the face. We will also provide you with one-on-one coaching, video and photo analysis to help improve your performance on the rock.


Our performance coaching is ongoing throughout the tour so here’s what you’ll learn:

  • What equipment you need and how to choose it properly so that you have the best climbing experience and stay safe

  • How to belay, set up top-rope and lead climbing to develop more technical climbing skills

  • Using a guide book, climbing calls and communication so that you can tackle new climbing areas in the future

  • Basic movement skills for more efficient climbing

  • Basic understanding of outdoor risks so you can make it home safely every day

  • Cleaning the anchors so you can retrieve all your gear safely


As well as all this, we’ll focus on slab/vertical ground and footwork. We’ll teach you how to use your balance and how to place your feet to achieve the most efficient way to move up on the rock (leading comfortably F5 or more). You’ll develop skills to help you handle steep rocks, save energy and climb more confidently and efficiently (leading comfortably F6c or more), with some work on overhangs too.

For climbers who are confident enough with their balance, foot work and who have already acquired the basics of climbing technique, we will move on to on-sight/red point. This means we can focus on more challenging routes (leading F6c and above). The emphasis is on quality climbing and reaching your climbing potential.

As you might expect, the Catalonia Advanced Climbing Trip is more suited to climbers who have some experience either indoor or outdoor. Beginners will probably be better suited to our novice courses. What this does mean is that we’ll be able to progress quickly and take on some of the tougher, more spine-tingling routes that this Spanish region can offer.

What’s included


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